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Get your journey started.


What can we accomplish together?

  1. Do you desire targeted guidance and support in specific areas of your personal and professional life?

  2. Do you define yourself that is motivated, ambitious and committed to achieving sustainable wellness, and fulfillment?

  3. Are you ready to overcome major obstacles in both your personal and business life with a intuitively-centered life coach?

  4. Do you value ongoing support, accountability, and guidance for profound and lasting transformation in your life journey?

Alter life narratives hindering your ability to show up gracefully authentic.
Stabilize chronic insecurities, transitioning towards self-assurance.
Reduce compassion and empathy fatigue for sustained emotional well-being.
Assert clear boundaries in both personal and professional lifestyle.
Shift from a survival mindset to foster growth and thrive in various aspects of life.

Expand into your unique soul energy blueprint™

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What Clients Are Saying ....

"Working with Viergelyn has. been a powerful transformative experience for my inner development. I can stay aware of my triggers with money with the knowledge I have gained".
- TG, Life Coach

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Professional Life Coaching

There are 3 professional life coaching services. These services designed with its own purpose you choose that is in aligned with what your time, effort and investment. All life coaching sessions, are a combination of modalities aim to transform and release stuck points.

Soul Strategy Session
  • Ideal for those who want to schedule life coaching sessions based on their own time, and needs.

  • These session relies on laser coaching methods to transmute energy blocks, promote growth mindset, and explore and identify personal development techniques into life.

  • It is designed to provide targeted guidance and support on specific issues as they arise when you need it the most.

Soul Alignment Session & Packages
  • Ideal for those who want the freedom to schedule their sessions as far in advance and as they see fit without the constraints of a traditional coaching program structure. It allows clients to work at their own pace with pre-scheduled sessions.

  • They are ideal for laying the groundwork in specific areas of life with identified goals or tasks often initially discussed during your Soul Strategy Session or Consultation.

  • Soul Alignment Session Packages are a one-time one payment investment.

Peer Mentorship 4/8 Model
  • Ideal for those looking for overcoming major obstacles in personal and business life in order to layer foundational progress. 

  • Peer Mentorship Model is highly relational approach that offers ongoing 1:1 support, accountability, and guidance for profound transformation and long-term change.  

  • This is a 4, 8 12 month commitment for expansion, and transformation.

Currently, no accepting life coaching clients.

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Reclaim Your Narrative About Money ,
Worth and Success!

WellFluent Intensives

  1. Are you ambivalent about making decisions about wealth, abundance or money?

  2. Are you often finding yourself in cyclical patterns of hoarding, debt or overspending habits?

  3. Do you have a negative relationship with abundance, wealth or stability?

  4. Do you struggle with self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-sufficiency?

  5. Are you planning to make lifestyle or career changes?

  6. Are you finding yourself stuck with your entrepreneur efforts or scaling your profession?

Wellness Intensives is a 2-3 hour intensive session that utilize the unique combination of professional life coaching, brain-body techniques, somatic embodiment, and energy psychology techniques to tap into your inner wisdom, release limiting beliefs, and create a positive shift in your mindset and relationship with money.


Make powerful moves and clear with life decisions!

Psychic Readings,
+ Spiritual Consultations

Unlocking innate wisdom that has been wired into our past, present, and into the future

Psychic readings provide an excellent opportunity for you to gain clarity and psychic guidance about your personal life. We focus on the here & now to help you identify any obstacles in your path and provide suggestions on how to overcome them using our intuitive abilities. Inspire your life and empower your sound decisions!


​These readings are tailored to your specific needs and can cover a wide range of areas such as relationships, career, and personal development.


All readings are conducted virtually via Zoom to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience. 

Starting at $TBD


Mediumistic Sessions 

Connecting with spirit worlds here & beyond for support and understanding.

In our private mediumship readings, you will have the opportunity to sit in stillness with generated energy to connect with the Great Spirit/Divine Parent/Light/Source/Creator* (however you define) and receive messages from the Spirit World. It is essential to have a clear intention on whom you wish to make contact, and what information you are open to receiving during the reading.


As a psychic & spiritual medium, I serve as a link between the physical world and the Spirit worlds. My ethical process is focused on providing confirmation and validation from the Spirit Worlds. Please review the Terms & Disclaimer and Expectations section of Sacred Aura & Co.


All readings are conducted virtually via Zoom to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience. 


Please note: At present,  psychic medium sessions are in practice for individuals seeking personal contact rather than open mediumship communication.

Starting at $TBD

Restorative Energy Healing + Expansion Sessions

Reiki is a Japanese traditional energy medicine developed by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in about 1922. Reiki practitioner focuses the universal energy to redirect subtle internal energy and alignment, by opening up the client's chakra energy source. The process of redirecting energies and opening up chakras is called attunement. Reiki energy addresses physical, mental, emotional, and energetic imbalances. Reiki also called medical qigong, ki healing, psychic healing, magnetic healing - can be performed in-person and distance healing. This healing art modality utilizes universal life force energy to heal the whole physical body with/out of physical contact.Using Usui Reiki teachings combined with channeling, and indigenous healing techniques. Best for those seeking to restore, balance energy meridians/chakra, emotional, physical and mental stress, past life or soul trauma patterns. A healing source to support your soul alignment, healing, clearing, and abundant life. Great for decision-making, moving through obstacles and manifesting.


How is session conducted? All sessions are currently remote.

The practice of placing one's hands on or hovering over the receiver's body for a few minutes on various energy pathways is known as energy healing. Other indigenous practices for psychic surgery, healing disease, trauma, and emotional experiences are also incorporated. You should hold the expectation that I may integrate one or more of the following modalities as part of the session: crystal, healing music or sound, aromatherapy, or plant medicine, and a bowl of water. Restorative energy healing service is provided with the client fully clothed, either sitting in a chair or laying down on the massage table. For the best attunement discipline, I encourage clients to attach a photo of themselves or a personal object to the intake form (if remote-audio session) when booking, so that I have a central focus point of connection with you during the session.


Restorative Energy Expansion 60-minute session available now, which includes a intuitive consultation with me during your session where I provide intuitive/psychic impressions of your overall well-being. 


For distance only-sessions: You can email me directly for support for up to 2 days after the session. Distance only-sessions are via zoom or zoom audio-only and is as effective as in-person session.


*Please read the 'Soul Reiki Session Guide'  prior to booking your appointment.



Crystal Healing Sessions

Chakra/Crystal Healing is a hands-on (or distance) healing treatment similar to Reiki that aids in the healing of trauma, pain, emotional tension, and the release of old memories and patterns. Chakras are the body's seven major energy centers. Each chakra energy field is dispersed throughout our bodies and corresponds to different physical diseases and dysfunctions.


Crystal healing facilitates healing by utilizing the healing powers of crystals and gemstones. As a healer who uses crystals for their medicinal properties, I will be guided to place various stones or crystals connected with specific chakra points on your body (distance session crystals/stones will be placed on the object used to project reiki healing). When bad, disease-causing energy is expelled, positive, healing energy can flow through the body. I may also use a Quartz Pendulum for all or any of the chakra points.

Cultural & Ethical Practice

Cultural & Spiritual Wisdom: I have received teachings both orally and within primal, and communal settings and self-guiding myself into the origin wisdom, ways, practices, and processes of utilizing my talents within natural systems. This includes incorporating earth-bound, Spirit and alchemical symbols as integral components of my soul purpose and human experience. The cultural, ancestral, and communal practices, passed down from Keepers to Practitioners, will not be exploited or offered in exchange during any sessions.  In addition, all suggestions or recommendation offered regarding herbal, plant or spiritual medicines are consulting of Good Will and Balance. When scheduling a session, please be aware that my ongoing support is focused on guiding you towards connecting with your personal origins. Truth is my identity.


Limitations: We want to be transparent so that we cannot predict your future. Our intuition is in sync with the Great Spirit, our guides, and our ancestors. If our guides cannot reach an agreement or provide clear guidance during the reading within (8-minutes), we will prioritize your satisfaction and provide a full refund (minus card fees) and cancel the appointment. You are more than welcome to schedule a future reading.


Terms and Conditions: We kindly request that you read and agree to our terms and conditions before booking a session. These terms are in place to ensure a respectful and beneficial experience for both parties involved. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the terms, please let us know, and we will be happy to clarify.


+New Clients: For new clients, we recommend to schedule an initial restorative energy session, basic astrology or numerology session to establish a client-healer relationship before booking a psychic reading or mediumship session. You can become familiar with my personality, characteristic and relationship way practices over time. This will allow me to create a strong point and better understand your unique energy blueprint.


++Returning Clients: If you are an existing or returning client, please use the scheduling booking link provided to you in the automated thank you email for future psychic reading or mediumship session.

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